Monday, December 8, 2008


The Holiocaust didnt really effect me now because it wasent in my time and its over and done and nun of my fam[ily] jewish.I really dont thimk it effect me but i do think it was really wrong what they didi to people just because i dont feel it effects me dont mean i dont care what happened and hw people treat one another it was very unfair to them jews for what they did to them but we can not change what happened now and its' s not there fault im not blaming them at all but in a way it is there fault jews where very weak and they didnt even try to atemp to try to stop them for what they did. They really just let it happen i feel as many people that they had they the jews could of stoped atleast some of the things that happened because they basicaly had an army but the never treid so i do thing it is wrong for what happened and i really fill bad for them but no i believe it dont effect me..XoxoX-qqone;]

Friday, October 10, 2008

pOst card;]

By:Tiffany Dougan…
Fulbright’s class

Once a year, Muslims gather together in Mecca and stand before the Kaaba praising Allah together. It is a ritual that is designed to the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood by showing that everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah. The Hajj makes Muslims feel real importance of life.
Feast days or holy days
Navanna is the age-old festival of new harvest and takes place in the Bengali month of Agrahayana (Nov-Dec), proverbially known as the month of plenty. The advent of the winter brings welcome relief from the sweltering heat and humidity of the long summer and flooding of the plains. As men bring golden paddy home for thrashing, women get busy making pitha with new rice to be soaked in date-palm juice and milk. As the waterbodies start shrinking, fish in plenty get caught in the nets of the fishermen to the great delight of every home. This is also the start of the season of such popular country sports as kabadi and bull-race. The season is also preferred for playing cricket, badminton and several other outdoor games.
Roles or women participating
Historically, the interpretation of Islam has been largely a male endeavor. Although the first convert to Islam was a woman (Muhammad's first wife, Khadijah), and women played an important role in the transmission of hadith (the sayings and deeds of the prophet Muhammad) and the development of Sufism, women have generally been marginalized from the male centers of Islamic interpretation, including both scripture and law, and leadership roles in public worship. But this has changed in recent times.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

why this blOq is usefull;]
I think this blOq is usefull because it has alOt Of cataqOries that have tO dO with histOry and if yOu check it Out yOu can see for yOurself im shure if you have any questions these cataqOries will help yOu find them.

Monday, September 8, 2008

wOrld war One

The triple alliances-Austria,
Hunqary and Italy whO
have sOlely in view the
maintenance as far as pOssible
Of the territOrial status quO
in the east.

The triple entente-in 1882
Germany Austria-hunqary
and Italy fOrmed the triple ]
alliance three cOuntries
aqreed tO suppOrt eachOther
if attacked either by France Or

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

hOpe street qOaLS

The reason for me beinq at hOpestreet is sO i can succeed and pass all my classes and qet my qrades up sO i can qraduate On time sO i can qO Off tO cOlleqe and have a qOOd jOb and make alOt Of mOney sO i dOnt have tO be livinq frOm pay check tO pay check and be able tO raise me and my dauqhter On my Own.